Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Procrastination Street

I have three things I have actually committed to make for xmas this year, and I have spent the last few weeks doing everything in my power to avoid working on them. It's as though I am deliberately trying to create stress for myself, now that I think of it.

First, I am sewing a robe for my husband. I have completed about 2/3 of it, but I need to pick a few stitches out, and I think that's the sticking point; I can't bring myself to do it, so I am avoiding the project altogether.

The other two things are T shirts I am going to decorate for my two sisters. I'm stalling on those because I'm not sure how I want to do it. The stupid thing is I know that if I just start on it and keep going I will come up with something decent, and if I don't I have extra shirts to mess up.

The problem is that I keep thinking of other projects to work on; I need to make medium-sized cloth diapers because my little monster already outgrew the small ones I made and we're back to using disposables ("trashies" in the cloth diapering community vernacular). And I want to make him some fleece booties & hats, and I have materials & a pattern to make a bunch of sleep sacks, and if I had the time & motivation I was going to sew up some pajama pants to give as gifts. And my husband asked me to make marble magnets for a bunch of people a few (more like two) days ago.

That's it. I'm going to work on each of the three xmas projects for a set amount of time today.