I sewed my son's Halloween costume (he was the Wolf Man):
I started out working on the SWAP plan, but as the end of my pregnancy got closer and closer I was less and less motivated to sew maternity stuff, so I found myself tinkering with what I should sew rather than actually sewing. I made the Burda maternity pants, which came out great, but the fabric I used did not hold up well and ripped at the seam. I did manage to get some not-so-great pictures before they went into the rag bin:
And numerous other projects: curtains, crib sheets, cloth diapers, soft toys, Christmas gifts, etc. I really should have posted pics to my blog as soon as I finished each project, but instead I posted some to forums, others I didn't even photograph. I'm definitely going to make an effort to post more about the stuff I make - I've also applied to join the Wardrobe Refashion blog which will hopefully serve as a bit of a reminder that I need to post more.